Learning Sub-Word Units for Open Vocabulary Speech Recognition

Carolina Parada1,  Mark Dredze2,  Abhinav Sethy3,  Ariya Rastrow1
1Johns Hopkins University, 2HLTCOE, Johns Hopkins University, 3IBM TJ Watson Research Center


Large vocabulary speech recognition systems fail to recognize words beyond their vocabulary, many of which are information rich terms, like named entities or foreign words. Hybrid word/sub-word systems solve this problem by adding sub-word units to large vocabulary word based systems; new words can then be represented by combinations of sub-word units. Previous work heuristically created the sub-word lexicon from phonetic representations of text using simple statistics to select common phone sequences. We propose a probabilistic model to learn the sub-word lexicon optimized for a given task. We consider the task of out of vocabulary (OOV) word detection, which relies on output from a hybrid model. A hybrid model with our learned sub-word lexicon reduces error by 6.3% and 7.6% (absolute) at a 5% false alarm rate on an English Broadcast News and MIT Lectures task respectively.

Full paper: http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P/P11/P11-1072.pdf